- A request must sufficiently describe a public record so as to enable the Township to find it.
- A request from a person, other than an individual who qualifies as indigent under MCL 15.234(2)(a),
must include the requesting person’s complete name, address, and contact information, and, if the request
is made by a person other than an individual, the complete name, address, and contact information of the
person’s agent who is an individual. An address must be written in compliance with United States Postal
Service addressing standards:
1500 E MAIN AVE STE 201
- Contact information must include a valid telephone number or electronic mail address.
- Please include the words “FOIA” or “FOIA Request” in the request to assist the Township in providing a
prompt response.
- Requests to inspect or obtain copies of public records prepared, owned, used, possessed or retained by the
Township may be submitted on the Township’s FOIA Request Form, in any other form of writing (letter,
fax, email, etc.), or by verbal request.
- Any verbal request will be documented by the Township on the Township’s FOIA Request Form.
- No specific form to submit a written request is required. However, a FOIA Request Form and
other FOIA-related forms are available for your use and convenience on the Township’s website
at www.baldwintownship.org, and at:
Baldwin Township Hall
1119 Monument Road
Tawas City, MI 48763
- Written requests may be delivered to the Township Hall in person or by mail:
Baldwin Township
1119 Monument Road
Tawas City, MI 48763
- Requests may be emailed to: info@baldwintwp-mi.org. To ensure a prompt response, email requests
should contain the term “FOIA” or “FOIA Request” in the subject line.